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Streamline, Analyze, and Enhance  Elevate your Airport's

Experience and Insight

Transforming Airport Operations and Passenger Experience 

Empower your airport with our cutting-edge service that seamlessly integrates boarding data, marketing insights, and operational metrics. Deliver personalized passenger experiences, anticipate needs, and drive operational excellence

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How Flux Works

Meet Flux

Your Passenger Data Partner

The only AI tool that enables better passenger experience, and unifies data through the Airport. We provide an all-in-one solution for aviation businesses to collect and analyze data to make informed decisions.

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Seemless signups

Frictionless updates

Deep insight

Our service is a comprehensive data integration platform designed specifically for airports and infrastructure businesses. It bridges the gap between disparate data silos, offering a unified view of passenger information, operations, and marketing insights.

Why Flux?

Partner with Flux to take your Passenger Experience to new heights.

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Happy Passengers - Happy Airport

Increase operational efficiency, reduce wait times, and boost revenue through intelligent engagement.

Get actionable insights from integrated data to make informed decisions and enhance overall airport performance

Passenger Experience Enhancement

Enhance your passengers' journey with real-time updates on flight status, wait times, and exclusive offers. Our service provides a tailored experience, making every journey through your airport smooth and enjoyable

Passengers get live updates directly

Minimise the biggest friction point that passengers have - unclear wait times - better experiences and happy passengers

Data Integration and Analytics

Leverage our advanced analytics to understand passenger behavior, optimize resource allocation, and improve service delivery. Our platform ensures that all your data works together, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

Gather Realtime Data and Feedback

Flux collects data in realtime, and uses AI to turn this into data about services and feedback direct in the platform

Use this to deal with live issues, or generate insights about trends

We love to talk

Get in touch to learn more

Interested in elevating your airport's operational and passenger experience? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your airport soar to new heights.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with the latest news and trends in the aviation industry.

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